Anita Rao
Anita Rao is the host and creator of "Embodied," a live, weekly radio show and seasonal podcast about sex, relationships & health. She's also the managing editor of WUNC's on-demand content. She has traveled the country recording interviews for the Peabody Award-winning StoryCorps production department, founded and launched a podcast about millennial feminism in the South, and served as the managing editor and regular host of "The State of Things," North Carolina Public Radio's flagship daily, live talk show. Anita was born in a small coal-mining town in Northeast England but spent most of her life growing up in Iowa and has a fond affection for the Midwest.
The number of Americans who identify with being mixed-race is on the rise. Embodied, a podcast from North Carolina Public Radio, looks at the complications of that identity.
Sexting is the sharing of sexual images or messages digitally. Though people of all ages sext, society is hyperfixated on women and girls. In the age of data privacy, how can people sext safely and in ways that empower their sexuality?
Nearly 40% of U.S. adults are single, and some choose not to look for a relationship or date. If singleness is common, why are single people treated unfairly?
Kissing-like behaviors exist across the animal kingdom. But why? A scientist explains why humans are so drawn to each other's lips, and a photographer documents the power of a kiss.
The rise of the wellness industry and marketing of wellness products moves us away from the individualized practices that make us feel well. How do we find our way back?
Many incarcerated people are also parents. Their children navigate social stigma and barriers to staying in contact with their loved ones.
Hearing aids are sometimes presented as a silver bullet for communication issues arising from hearing loss. But hard of hearing folks already on their hearing aids journey know that the reality of adjusting to these devices is much more complex.
After years of messaging telling you what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it, it can be hard to reconnect to your body's natural signals. But the principles of intuitive eating can help.
Compulsive sexual behavior has many names and no one clear diagnosis. But what is agreed upon is that when sex prohibits you from living life the way you want, that’s an issue. And there is help available.
American drinking culture lies in the realm of extremes — but choosing to abstain is often stigmatized. After choosing sobriety or sober curiosity, how are social relationships and community affected?